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Shroom tea.


What is Shroom tea? Shroom tea contains a mushroom called Psilocybin also known as magic mushroom or psychedelic mushroom. While taking heavier amounts of this mushroom can cause you to trip. Small doses of it can be very beneficial to those with PTSD, Depression & Anxiety. In the late 1950s and 1960s, psychoactive drugs were researched for a host of benefits, but any biochemical promise of the drugs was swept up in a cultural revolution that ultimately led to their prohibition. Fast forward to today and it is being legalized in Colorado. Last year I got off all my medications for having ADHD & PTSD and converted to Cannabis only. While Cannabis does have endless benefits it wasn’t enough. My brain needed to be rewired and jump started. My anxiety went away but as everyone know Cannabis is a downer so the depression and flashbacks still lingered.

One of my close friends in the Cannabis community had suggested this tea and I was very nervous at first. I’ve only ever experimented with Cannabis and I have to be careful with what I put in my body with my PTSD. (I don’t even drink Alcohol or Caffeine because they overwhelm me.) I thought about it and figured you know what I might as well try. She sent me a tea to try because of how paranoid I usually am.

I warmed up the tea to its desired setting and let it steep for 20 minutes. I started sipping on it around 10 AM in the morning. It was delicious the flavor was Raspberry and the dose was about .5 grams. After 30 minutes I started to feel the effects. In low dosages like this you do not hallucinate.

What I noticed Is that everything got super loud. my bf was stomping around and slamming the doors. I told him to sit down because it was too loud lol 🤣. So I was super engaged with things around me. We went on a walk in a nature trail close by for 3 miles. As we were walking I noticed that I wasn’t afraid of people like I usually am and things were more colorful. The day ended up being one of the best days I’ve had since I was a child. When I got home clutter bothered me so I cleaned my things. The effects lasted for about 8 hours.

Since then I’ve had the tea every 4 days on my off days of work. Every time I drink the tea it’s like waking up. I feel more clear headed and ready to clean or just start things. I also feel more energized so I don’t have to lay in bed all day like usual from my chronic pain.

Before I drank the tea I set intentions for myself and I strongly believe that everyone should do the same thing. I will talk about it more in future blog posts but I think it’s important to do that to know what you want to change in your life. Since starting the tea here is some things I've noticed: I no longer stutter, I’m remembering childhood memories and I feel like I’m developing new brain cells. I’m starting to remember things more and I have the capacity to want to learn again. I was also very afraid of mushrooms but now I think they might be a very important medicine for humans.

If you are interested in this tea I recommend contacting @mrs_vicius on Instagram. All the tea flavors are pungent and very flavorful.

Talk to you soon,



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